August 18, 2011

So much learning, so little time!

I've been peeking at a few of the awesome teacher blogs that I follow and am amazed at the ideas and organisation of everyone for the start of the school year (I have yet to find and follow an Australian teacher blog, so all the American blogs are getting ready for the start of the school year). I'm so inspired for the start of the new school year next year and all the cool things I'm going to create!
Meanwhile, school life goes on and we are a few weeks into our 3rd term. Since I last blogged (forever ago I know!), we have conducted some cool science experiments - like burning different types of materials, and the old favourite - exploding volcanoes! We have also started learning about famous Aussies and started with Captain Cook - although not Australian, if he hadn't have discovered us there would be no famous Australians! The kids have created some great artwork and have really enjoyed learning about his voyages. (see picture above!)
In the coming weeks, we have Science week, National Literacy and Numeracy week, an excursion to the Mint, our school sports carnival, and a visit by one of our states football teams! Phew! 
Photos and lots more blogging to come with all the details!

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